Keynote Topics

Peter Margaritis Keynote Topics Photo

Improv Is No Joke: Using Improvisation to Create Positive Results in Leadership and In Life

Leadership is more than someone’s title in an organization. Leadership is the positive effect that you have on another person, no matter your title. The best way to have this positive effect is through the power of improv. Improv is more than just laughs—it’s a valuable communication tool that can help you build stronger relationships with your team and clients/customers. Improvisation is a mindset that allows your organization to adapt to unexpected business challenges by generating ideas and providing solutions in a timely manner. Another important feature: Improv helps you operate clearly in chaotic situations by focusing on those things that you have control of and stop worrying about things you can control.

You will learn the seven principles of improvisation and how to apply them every single day to become the most effective leader in your organization.

Call 614/668.2936 or email Peter to learn more about the Improv is No Joke presentation.


Embrace Your Inner Superhero


Do you imagine ways growing your organization, your career and your bank account? Of course, you do because we all do! What method are you using to achieve these dreams? Have an open-mind and learn how improvisation will help you to embrace and release your inner superhero.

Your inner superhero should always be present the moment you walk into your office until the moment your workday is done. It takes different skills and traits such as communication, listening, accountability, inspiration, creativity, passion and focus to maintain your superhero presence. We must bring our superhero to work with us every day in order to achieve our goals. What happens if your inner superhero takes a week off – or even a day? How productive and profitable are you and your team? How does this affect your personal time or family life?

You will learn techniques on ways you can unleash your inner superhero and maintain your high energy and productivity at work every single day.

Call 614/668.2936 or email to learn more about Peter’s Embrace Your Inner Superhero presentation.


Taking the Numb Out of Numbers: Explaining and Presenting Financial Information with Confidence and Clarity

Photo of Peter Margaritis in actionDo your clients, customers, associates and peers tune you out when you are delivering financial information? There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that you are cursed. That’s right…cursed with knowledge! You can’t and don’t want to unlearn your accounting knowledge AND you have forgotten the painful struggles you went through in learning the technical aspects of accounting. The second reason is that accounting is a foreign language to those who don’t possess the same competency level and you.

Learn how to use financial storytelling, data visualization and PowerPoint as an aid, not as a crutch, and your audience will understand what your sharing with greater clarity.

Call 614/668.2936 or email Peter to learn more about his Taking the Numb Out of Numbers presentation.


Slide Deck Improv

Slide Deck Improv is a professional development program focused on enhancing presentation and communication skills. Participants learn the basics of improv and discover how these techniques can support effective business communication. Because we stretch people to observe and try new skills, Slide Deck Improv is more fun, less scary and more impactful than traditional public speaking workshops.

Great communicators engage their audience. They know their purpose, share stories and use visuals to make their points memorable. While they’re well-prepared, they remain adaptive, aren’t afraid of vulnerability, and can tap into a moment when it arises to drive their message home. Slide Deck Improv is on a quest to develop more effective business communicators. We do it by bringing together technical professionals, improv concepts, a mystery slide deck and a topic from the audience. The result is confidence-building, skill enhancing and exceptionally fun.


Customized Presentations

Offering targeted content for each audience is critical to helping teams grow their presentation skills. All keynote presentations can be customized to the needs of your business or organization, and can be adapted for 2 hour workshops or half-day sessions.

Call 614/668.2936 or email Peter to learn more about customized presentations.