Pete’s Blog

Show Notes – Episode 88: The Roadmap to the New Firm with Jody Padar

Jody Padar, AKA The Radical CPA, is a leader driven by a passion to foster real change in the accounting profession. She represents the next generation of accounting professionals, leading the vanguard for both digital CPAs and future-ready firms.

Jody returns to the show to discuss her new book, From Success to Significance: The Radical CPA Guide, which is a practice-proven roadmap to a new business model for CPA firms. If you’re looking to change and you’re not sure how to begin, this lays out the steps of creating change through practical strategies, tools, tips, insights, guest experts, and case studies.

So what does the New Firm look like?

•Technology is part of the core of the firm and is used to facilitate closer client relationships.

•The business model transforms: instead of doing every kind of work for every kind of customer, they’ve niched down.

•They productize everything offered, so they don’t track or bill by time and, instead, offer everything they do at a fixed or value price.

There’s no question: technology is having a significant impact on CPA firms. So how are our firms going to evolve and transform their business model to react to them, and to innovate with them?

“We can’t change fast enough. We really have to transform our accounting firms so that we can be relevant. Change doesn’t work anymore. We really need transformation.”

And this transformation isn’t just at the firm or technology level – it’s a total mindset shift that everyone needs to buy into. Everyone in The New Firm needs to be adaptable, forward-thinking, and more than just an accountant.

The computers are going to do most of the accounting work, so we need to be better consultants and trusted business advisors.

We need to be Radical CPAs.

Show Notes: Episode 87 – Marilyn Sherman: How to Overcome Obstacles That Keep You from Achieving Your Goals

Marilyn Sherman is a speaker and author who has spent years motivating and inspiring audiences to get out of their comfort zone and get a front-row seat in life, and this is the perfect time of the year to check in with her because she has tips and techniques anyone can use to stay focused on their goals (and New Year’s resolutions).

It’s the end of January, so some of you may have broken your resolutions already – and that’s okay! Listen to the entire episode, apply Marilyn’s tips, and then you’ll be able to resurrect those resolutions for the remainder of the year.

If you want to do a little extra homework and really blow your goals away, you should check out Marilyn’s new book: Is There a Hole in Your Bucket List? How to Overcome Obstacles That Keep You from Achieving Your Goals. (Plus, if you order it through her website and mention the podcast, you will get a free book on wine from Marilyn’s husband!)

Marilyn wrote this book because even successful people tend to sabotage their own success, in some area of their life. However, we can patch up those holes in our bucket list (or our resolutions) with Marilyn’s tips and techniques.

(Some of) Marilyn’s Tips & Techniques for Achieving Your Goals:

  • Marilyn suggests creating a bucket list if you don’t have one already because it represents your hope for the future; it’s a glorified list of goals. Then, if there is one recurring thing that you can’t cross off of your list, you have identified a hole to fill.
  • Be more vulnerable. When you admit that you are struggling (possibly with shame or fear), you will find that you are not alone. “When you expose light to whatever it is that has been holding you back, that’s taking your power back – and that’s the first step to patching up these holes that are preventing you from success.”
  • Everyone needs an “Anger Buddy” and an “Anger Sack.” Everyone has a bad day sometimes, but unfortunately, we can end up blowing up or snapping at someone who doesn’t deserve it due to the accumulation of many smaller things over time (which is unproductive). You can avoid this ever happening again if you envision an anger sack that fills up when negative things happen. When you feel that it is full, have a chat with your anger buddy, often a significant other, who you have trained to let you vent; you don’t need to add solutions to an overflowing anger sack.

Click here to listen to the entire episode.

Show Notes: Ep. 86 – Keith Harmeyer: SmartStorming – How to Innovate & Why We Need To

Keith Harmeyer is all about ideas! He is an expert in innovative thinking, creative problem solving, and idea generation who spent over two decades coming up with great ideas for some of the world’s best known and most successful companies (such as JPMorgan Chase, Disney, Conde Nast, and McDonald’s).

Now, as a Founding Partner of SmartStorming and co-author of SmartStorming: The Game-Changing Process for Generating Bigger, Better Ideas, Keith is providing other organizations with the expertise, structure, skills, and proven idea generation techniques they need to develop their own ground-breaking ideas and innovate.

What exactly is innovation?

Keith defines innovation as “the introduction of something new or different that provides greater value or benefit.” If it’s different just for the sake of being different, that’s novelty.

We tend to think of innovation in big terms, on an organizational level, but it all starts with the individual people within an organization.

When the people within an organization learn how to be more creative in their thinking and more innovative in how they approach their work, then you see innovation surface on an organizational level.

Why do we need to innovate?

We are now under continuous, constant pressure to reinvent ourselves and the value we deliver to our customers, clients, and the organizations we work for – and, once again, it’s not just at the organizational level. Each one of us is under that same pressure.

If you don’t disrupt your industry and your business… well, then somebody else is going to disrupt it for you, and you may not be able to keep up.

Click here to listen to the entire episode.

If you want to learn more creativity and innovation, please visit my website and explore the ways I can help you and your organization grow through the power of improvisation.

Show Notes: Ep. 85 – Merle Heckman: Intentional Storytelling & Applying it in Business

Today’s guest, Merle Heckman, truly understands the power of storytelling – and why it is needed in all aspects of business today.

You see, Merle works with engineers, but he’s not an engineer (he’s the Manager of Organizational Development at Regal Beloit). And when engineers give presentations, they can be dense with jargon and hard to understand… not unlike when accountants give presentations.

Merle wanted to know how individuals within his organization could give better presentations so that the people listening could better retain and use the information being presented.

So, for his doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, he performed a study and wrote a dissertation titled, “Intentional Storytelling: A Potential Tool for Retention and Application in Business.”

The research was fairly simple:

•There’s a monthly divisional meeting at Regal Beloit. Every other month, Merle coached the speakers on incorporating storytelling into their presentations, and they did this for four months. So the first month was normal, second, coached, third normal, fourth coached.

•After every meeting, Merle sent two surveys: one two days after, and one two weeks after. The first survey asked questions related to retention, and the second survey asked if they had applied the information, or put it into practice.

And the results are astonishing:

•When the presenters incorporated storytelling techniques, participants put the information into practice 2.5x more often than when the presenters didn’t.

•When comparing the first presentation (no storytelling) with the second presentation (with storytelling), participants retained twice as much knowledge when there were stories. When comparing the third presentation to the fourth presentation, participants retained 81% more knowledge.

“In the business context, the story teaches. We learn how to do things … The story resonates with us in such a way that it really reaches in and it really appeals to us.” Stories give presenters the opportunity to put specialized knowledge into a context that everybody can understand.

And if the term story seems daunting, Merle sometimes uses the term “homespun illustration.” The important thing is that we’re not talking about making things up; We’re talking about taking real-life events and real-life situations so that you can draw similarities (or create analogies) to the truth that you’re trying to give, and reinforce it.

So what type of stories should a presenter tell?

1. “The best stories are the ones that come from our lives; The best stories are the ones that we have lived.” There are so many stories out of our own personal lives that can affect, inspire, educate, guide, and teach people.

2. “The second best stories are the ones we have observed in other people around us. You don’t have to say the person’s name, but explain how they solved a problem. Those make great, relatable examples.”

3. “The third best stories are the ones that we read about in books, or from history, that are true to life. These are often stories about how the Lincolns and Jobs of the worlds solved problems.”

Don’t make any mistake: Teaching with storytelling isn’t easy – but it is incredibly effective.

In a world with so much information, in a world where everybody has a screen captivating their attention, the story will distinguish you as being different.

So put in the work to craft a good story – and, more importantly, practice so that you can effectively deliver that story; “Greatness is not in the performance. Greatness is in the preparation.”

Click here to listen to the entire episode.

If you want to learn more about business storytelling, my book, Tell Me in Plain English: Taking the Numb Out of the Numbers, will be available in Spring 2018.  Please visit my website and explore the ways I can help you and your organization grow through the power of improvisation.

The Dark Side of Storytelling

Storytelling, when used for good, will help grow your business, your reputation and your brand. However, when storytelling is used to deceive or to commit fraud, it will ultimately crush your business, your reputation and your brand. That crush may also come with the potential of spending time where orange is the new black, aka, prison.

Think about some of the greatest fraudsters of all time – Madoff, Ponzi, The Wizard of Oz. The one thing they had in common: They all told a compelling story. But when you pulled back the curtain, you found a complex house of cards that could not stand up to scrutiny. There are many instances where corporate storytelling did significant damage to the companies and their brands. Three of my favorite examples are Enron, Theranos, and JCPenney.

In the book, What’s Your Story?: Storytelling to Move Markets, Audiences, People, and Brands, the authors discuss the “Ken Lay Story.” Ken Lay was the son of a poor Baptist preacher in the small town of Tyrone, Missouri. Through hard work and dedication, he became a naval officer, earned his doctorate in economics, was the chief economist at Exxon, was a federal energy regulator and then became undersecretary for the Department of Interior. His successes led him to be the founder and CEO of Enron Corporation.

Ken Lay’s story is a classic story. A poor person living in small town USA, fighting against all the odds to become one of the most powerful and wealthiest men in the energy industry, whose company at its peak had an estimated market value of $70 billion. That was before its collapse. In this story, the early hero is Ken Lay, and the villains are the number of obstacles he had to overcome in his rise to power.  However, when Mr. Lay’s moral ethics shifted, his company failed and he went on to become a convicted felon. The hero become the villain.

In a Harvard Business Review case study, A Tale of Storytelling: Its Allure and Its Traps, discusses that it is the departure from the truth that makes the story the winner. This divergence is reflected in the story that Enron was using when their business model changed from pipes-in-the-ground oil drilling to natural gas and commodities. This story was so incredibly compelling that Fortune magazine named Enron “America’s Most Innovative Company” for six years in a row. Innovative maybe, but not the truth.

What’s Your Story? discusses the difference between “truth” and “true.”  They use an example of Procter & Gamble and their detergent, Tide. A P&G research scientist sitting in the lab used expensive equipment to prove that Tide cleans laundry better than the competition. That is the true statement. However, laundry rooms throughout the United States do not come staffed with scientists or expensive equipment; those who purchase laundry detergents make a decision about which brand to purchase based on what they believe is the truth. In most cases, the truth is derived from an advertisement that might state “my clothes are cleaner when I used Cheer versus other brands.” In other words, corporate storytelling is about truth statements rather than true statements.

Another What’s Your Story? case study highlights what happened to JCPenney from 2011 to 2013. In 2011 JCPenney hired Ron Johnson, the former senior vice president of retail operations at Apple Inc., to be their next CEO.  Ron’s story was one of transformation, bringing the brand back to its original stature as a leading department store. He was going to fix JCPenney’s complex pricing structure, attract both the millennial generation and a more affluent customer base, and create new, exciting shopping experiences. His “truth story” was so compelling that it convinced company stakeholders, many on Wall Street and celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres and Martha Stewart who added their names and product lines to the transformation.

Unfortunately, Ron forgot to take into consideration his existing customer base which was, in fact, almost the exact opposite of the customer demographic that would respond to the new and improved JCPenney. He was telling the stakeholders what they wanted to hear, but forgot to include one true statement about the current customer base: They were middle-of-the-road bargain shoppers. Because of the unrealistic expectations, he was not only unable to attract the young and the rich as customers, he also alienated the true JC Penney’s customer. In 2013, sales dropped 28%, the company’s revenues declined by $1 billion and the stock price was half of what it was before Ron’s vison. No surprise, Ron was fired.

In the Harvard Business Review article titled, Theranos and the Dark Side of Storytelling it discusses Elizabeth Holmes, who is the founder of Theranos. Theranos is a blood testing company that touted technological advances in blood testing. They claimed they possessed the technology to test a wide variety of diseases from a small amount of blood drawn from a pricked finger. Elizabeth’s story is compelling because she was and extremely bright 19 year-old student at Stanford University who dropped out of school to found Theranos. According to the article, her vision was to save millions of lives around the world through her technology.

Her story and her mission were so compelling that in 2015 her company was valued at $9 billion and Forbes magazine named her the youngest self-made female billionaire in the world. Her storytelling was so convincing that she recruited well-known political types, such as Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Sam Nunn and Col. James Mattis, to be on her Board of Directors.

In October 2015, the Wall Street Journal reported that the company’s blood testing technology was a near-total failure. According to an exposé in Vanity Fair, the Elizabeth Holmes story was told and retold so many times that it became more the story of innovation and female empowerment than the story of Ms. Holmes. The company was founded on the story, and based on current evidence, the story is fictional at best.

The Enron and Theranos situations were deliberately concocted to deceive and defraud an organization and its investors.  JC Penny’s situation is different because there was no ill-intent.  It was the new CEO’s vision on how to transform the business that blinded people.  Actually, the fault lies with the JC Penney Board of Directors who was enamored by the new story. They didn’t analyze the story they loved against the facts they knew to be true in order to determine how this new vision of the company would affect their business and customer base.

It’s time we all recognize the stories behind actions, and how their compelling nature draws us to them.  We must ask questions and determine the real character of those actions and whether they stand up as the truth. Even the story Ken Lay finely crafted for Enron had cracks that should have revealed the fraud. In fact, there was one investor who didn’t invest a dime into Enron and was even chastised in financial periodicals and by pundits for his decision. That investor was Warren Buffett. The reason he did not invest into Enron was that he could not make sense of Enron’s business model and how it related to the company financial statements.  His logic superseded his emotions in his decision-making process. Reason prevailed, and Buffett came out ahead.

We all love a good story, especially when told by a gifted storyteller. The onus is on us to validate each story through a thorough vetting process.