What Are Your Employees Saying about You?

Blog 5 PhotoI came across another great article the other day that listed several complaints that employees have with their supervisors. As I read through it, I noticed that each complaint aligned with a principle of improvisation. Ultimately, it seems that there is a widespread breakdown in communication between employees and their supervisors. While the majority of employees never voice these complaints, identifying common issues will help create a better office environment in your workplace. What a great opportunity to learn and improve your leadership skills to ensure that these things are never said of you!

Micromanages me (Doesn’t trust me)

Doesn’t listen (Doesn’t listen)

Doesn’t want to have his/her opinions and ideas challenged (Isn’t adaptable)

Doesn’t follow through on promises (Doesn’t respect me)

Assigns deadlines without considering what’s on my plate (Doesn’t listen and doesn’t respect me)

Doesn’t have time for me (Isn’t supportive)

Doesn’t give helpful feedback about my performance (Isn’t focused)

Is disorganized and reactive (Too much stress!)

When you strip down to the fundamental principles of improvisation, you realize it is all about collaboration with the other person. It is about supporting their role by being respectful and listening to what they have to say, not thinking about how to fit it into your plan. Even if what they have to say doesn’t fit with our own agenda, we adapt and use the “Yes, and” principle to reduce stress for everyone.

If a boss were to employ the fundamental principles of improvisation, your greatest assets would begin to leverage. And every boss should see their employees as their greatest asset.

Download a free chapter to my new book, Improv is No Joke or I can come speak at your next event: Peter@theaccidentalaccountant.com