S4E32. We Are All Project Managers with Ann Campea

What does it take to become a project management professional?

Ann Campea, a project manager herself, joins us to discuss this growing profession and why she’s so passionate about what she does. With ten years of experience in the product development, consumer goods, tech, and healthcare industries, she has shown proven results in launching projects in physical retail spaces, onboarding new employees, trading existing ones, and more. She also hosts The Everyday PM podcast.

Whether you have the title of Project Manager or not, we all manage projects in our day-to-day lives. Until we recognize that, it’s hard to improve. Project management is not a one-size-fits-all profession. There’s so much diversity of thought and approach that you should learn from the best and apply whatever works for you.

Most project managers don’t set out towards that role. They work hard in their fields, then, suddenly, they look up one day and realize that they’ve picked up all of the project management skills and experience as they went. But that’s changing. Today, many young people are setting out with the specific intention of becoming a project manager. And that means that there’s now an opportunity for those who have walked the path to pass their learning to others.

If you’re interested in being a project manager, try it out. It’s not a profession that is for everyone, but it can be incredibly rewarding.

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